DMSO GEL 70% with Aloe Vera

DMSO GEL 70% with Aloe Vera
DMSO GEL 70% with Aloe Vera
DMSO GEL 70% with Aloe Vera

DMSO GEL 70% with Aloe Vera


DMSO is dimethyl sulfoxide. It's a byproduct from the wood industry. DMSO is a natural, organic compound of sulfur. What its properties are - to be a transporter, and a very safe transporter, so much so that they use it for freezing organs and actually preserving organs in cryonics. DMSO, what the main purpose is, is for ink.

When it's applied topically, it can actually enter into the bloodstream within a matter of minutes. When you apply it, within a few seconds, you start to taste it in your mouth. It's already gone through the salivary glands, into the bloodstream, and you tasted it in your mouth in a matter of seconds. This shows how quickly absorbed this product is. It's an ethyl sulfur base.

Sulfur is more for the methylation group. It helps with a blood cleanser too. When you put DMSO onto the skin, you'll feel the sensation of increased blood flow in this area, almost like it's being engorged with blood, because now all the nutrients are coming there and trying to heal the tissue.

DMSO has been found to actually help break down scar tissue. People have found that it's even helpful for tumors, but the main thing it's for pain control. Chronic pain control. Did you know that one out of three Americans are in chronic pain, and one out of five Canadians are in chronic pain? Chronic pain means consistent pain for more than three months. DMSO can make a major difference in a person's life dealing with pain.

They've actually done experimentation with DMSO for outdoorsmen. They take it to the tundra, in the very cool -40 temperatures, and they put it onto the extremities. They do not get frostbite in those areas because it keeps the circulation flowing in that area. This is why they're using it so much in medical science today. It is because it is probably one of what they call the third category, which is the safest transporter that they can use.

I would encourage you to look at the media, and look what '60 Minutes' talked about DMSO. What they did is they had this lady with crippling arthritis ... DMSO is wonderful on arthritis. Put it on arthritic pain. The pain can subside within hours. The pain is gone. It's a marvelous thing, and for diabetic neuropathy. But, this lady, with this chronic pain in her hands, her hands were so crippled up. What they did on '60 Minutes,' right live, they applied the DMSO onto her hands. By the end of the program, she was playing the piano without pain. That was broadcast to 70 million people tuned in, and overwhelmed the Congress demanding that the product be brought on to the marketplace legally.


70% Dmso and 30% Alvera 


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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